The Shaw Lane Foundation is a registered charity (no 1140880). The role of the charity is to provide activities and facilities for the benefit of the local community – with an emphasis on activities that improve physical or mental health and wellbeing.

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded three year funding by Reaching Communities / The National Lottery to support our development of the Community Cafe and our Work Skills/ Employability work with adults with a Learning Disability.

Community Projects are based at Shaw Lane Sports Club, and include:

New for Spring 2024 – Volunteering Project

Encouraging Older volunteers to come on site to do gardening, painting and general maintenance tasks, and to help show younger volunteers how to get involved. This project is funded by The National Lottery – Awards For All. To get involved, please contact Fiona Hall 07341 265319


Our Christmas Luncheon has kindly been subsidised by McCarthy Stone.



Thursday 9th November  2023 10.30am

Remembrance Service as part of our National Lottery Heritage Project 


This service was be led by Rev. Phil Maries and  included the Rededication of the War Memorial that was previously housed at The Holgate Grammar School. Thanks to our local schools, Holyrood, Shawlands and Joseph Locke, for taking part in the service , and for producing some lovely remembrance poppies, dedicated to the former Grammar School pupils who died in World War 2.

We were delighted to welcome many former pupils and staff members as part of our 90+ audience. The service will become an Annual Event.









The Shaw Lane Community Cafe

We are now trialling our Community Cafe which is open to the public Mon-Friday 10am-3pm. Staff and participants from Opening Doors serve hot and cold snacks, in our Members Bar area. Here you are welcome to sit and chat or access the internet. (Access to Amazon Tablets available for browsing whilst you stay). Our dedicated “Warm Space” is supported by the Barchesters Foundation and Household Support Fund.






Work Skills/ Employability Project for Adults with a learning disability

Our Work Skills Course for 2024 resumes in March and is once again funded by South Yorkshire Community Foundation.

The 12 week course is suitable for adults with a learning disability who want to learn work skills in a low pressure environment.

Tasks include:

Gardening, weeding, planting, maintenance, painting, cleaning, food preparation and service, venue set up and take down.

For details and a registration form contact Fiona Hall 07341 265319

Outdoor Activities/ Social Prescribing Project for people with Anxiety/ Mental ill Health

Heritage Project (Barnsley Grammar School/ Holgate School and War Remembrance).

We are delighted to announce that with funding from the Heritage Fund, we will be creating a lasting memorial to the Grammar School/ Holgate school. This will consist of photoboards, displays at Shaw Lane Sports Club and a dedicated website. Anyone with items to donate – physical or digital, should in the first instance contact Fiona Hall



Social Activity Drop in for Older Isolated People

Our Social Drop in takes place in the Community Cafe on Thursdays at 1pm. It’s a great place for people to meet and have a chat.

Usually there’s a quiz, followed by Bingo and other games. Many of our participants live alone, so come to enjoy the company of others in a warm and friendly setting.




Famliy Fitness Project

Working in partnership with PiP and the local schools we are offering whole family fitness sessions which include physical activities, exercise advice, healthy eating advice. Each family takes home a healthy meal at the end of the weekly session. Access to this project is via referral from the local schools. Enquiries Fiona Hall





Volunteering Project for Older People

An opportunity to come and spend time on site at Shaw Lane, accessing the allotment or tinkering about with gardening/ painting jobs.

We are delighted to have been awarded Lottery funding via Awards For All, and local funding via BOPPA  to support this project which will commence in Spring 2024. Volunteers who wish to be involved in gardening, painting, planting, mechanics, maintenance etc should contact Fiona Hall 07341 265319


Community Library / Book Exchange

Community Sensory Garden




Our Sensory Garden was officially opened on 12th September 2023 by the Mayor of Barnsley , Councillor Mick Stowe.

Many items have already been created by participants on our Work Skills/ Mental Health Projects, as well as some interactive boards constructed by Barnsley Men in Sheds. Participants on our Work Skills Course and our Older People’s Volunteering Project have been working on the installation of the Sensory Garden throughout 2023, and its maintenance will be ongoing as we start new courses and projects in 2024.








Contact Details

For further details about our activities, contact Fiona Hall, Community Engagement Manager 07341 265319


Our Supporters

Shaw Lane Foundation would like to thank the following Organisations  for their support, be it financial support by way of grants, or partnership support.

The South Yorkshire Community Fund

Barnsley Council

Sported / Barclays

Barchesters Foundation

Shawlands Trust

Bruce Wake Charitable Trust

Awards For All

Baily Thomas Trust

The Arnold Clark Community Fund

The Lawn Tennis Association


Reds in The Community

Scurrah Wainwright

McCarthy Stone

Nineveh Trust

James Neill Trust



Together Fund

Bruce Wake Charitable Trust


Active Barnsley

Cloverleaf Advocacy

Coalfields Regeneration Trust

Greenacre School

Opening Doors

Barnsley Council Employment Support Service

The Heritage Fund

Sport England